People of India
Water buffalo in the village
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The Elizabeth-Ann Charity c/o 4 Kingsfield Close,
Bradford-on-Avon BA15 1AW
Thank you - UK Charity No. 1113374
Julie awards some bicycles
Julie awards some bicycles

Completed Work

Children's Bicycles
Whilst there is secondary school education available 5 km away in Chirala, some families are not able to afford the £2 per month bus fare, so some donors have supported the village by providing bicycles at £38 each.
We have given equal numbers to boys and girls – normally the girls are not accustomed to having bicycles.

Tricylce barrows
Tricylce barrows

Most of the men of the village have seasonal work in the fields, and make a subsistence living of around £1 per day to support their families.
The Elizabeth-Ann Charity has provided 25 rickshaws that enable the owners to become self-employed and regularly earn £1.50 - £2.50 per day.

Water Buffalo
Water Buffalo
can provide excellent milk

Water Buffalo
In 2005 Mary, the Church Pastor, identified that widows would be particularly helped by a gift of a water buffalo which could be milked and thus provide an income.
6 water buffalo at a cost of £300 each have been provided.
A 3-year old water buffalo, in milk, costs £300. A 2-year old, not yet in milk costs £150.
For most of the day they are tethered in groups but have to be milked twice a day, led to water several times and fed on rice straw / peanut straw and powdered food.
Milk is boiled before drinking – delicious!
There are no refrigerators so any milk for sale outside the village has to be taken 5 km to Chirala.
The Government vet calls every 3 weeks, at no cost, but medicines are chargeable.